This is extremely valuable. There are too many compendiums of behavioral biases and not enough collections of frameworks. More important than the rankings is the critical thought you have put into the discussion of strengths and weaknesses. Thank you!
At some point, I would love for someone to one-up this and identify what makes a framework great for one context but not another. Sometimes I am surprised that a framework which didn't work for another project is suddenly the right fit for another.
Super helpful Jared! I know you don't want to open the Fogg model debate again, but your new addition highlights a new point that I hadn't considered before. Friction theory is Kurt Lewin's work. I won't say who said it but a well respected behavioral scientist/psychologist once quipped that Fogg is Skinner repackaged for Silicon Valley. We all build on the legacy of the scientists who came before us, but I find it odd to frame something without credit to those sources.
This is extremely valuable. There are too many compendiums of behavioral biases and not enough collections of frameworks. More important than the rankings is the critical thought you have put into the discussion of strengths and weaknesses. Thank you!
At some point, I would love for someone to one-up this and identify what makes a framework great for one context but not another. Sometimes I am surprised that a framework which didn't work for another project is suddenly the right fit for another.
Super helpful Jared! I know you don't want to open the Fogg model debate again, but your new addition highlights a new point that I hadn't considered before. Friction theory is Kurt Lewin's work. I won't say who said it but a well respected behavioral scientist/psychologist once quipped that Fogg is Skinner repackaged for Silicon Valley. We all build on the legacy of the scientists who came before us, but I find it odd to frame something without credit to those sources.